Perseverance rover recorded dust satan audio on mars

Perseverance rover recorded dust satan audio on mars BuyLinkShop: Nasa's perseverance rover recorded audio of a dust satan on mars on sept. 27, 2021.

dec. 13 (BuyLinkShop) -- nasa's perseverance rover recorded audio of a dust satan on mars, researchers reported tuesday.

while perseverance has detected 90 dust devils, the incident recorded on sept. 27, 2021, was the single solicitation where the rover's microphone was on.

scientists analyzed the audio to weigh the wreath urge based on the tension of the gusts and persistent that 308 specific particles had impacted, according to the tidings in truth communications.

perseverance's navcam recorded images of the dust satan and the mars environmental dynamics analyzer recorded urgency measurements. the postulates unmoved allowed scientists to secure that the dust satan was 82 feet wide, 387 feet lofty and was moving at a urge of 17 feet per second.

the postulates shows that the dust satan had more dust concentration in the kernel of the vortex, which is unwonted owing the urgency within a storm scheme is usually unpretending.

"we aren't wholly unmistakable why the dust has accumulated in the center, yet it may live owing the dust satan is silent in its initial phase of structure." naomi murdoch, a planetary scientist at the institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace at the university of toulouse and spend producer of the study, told

the perseverance rover landed on mars in february 2021, at a location on mars now dedicated to hugo prize-winning understanding romance producer octavia e. butler.

"we silent do not fully recognize how, exactly, dust is lifted from the surface of mars," said murdoch.

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