Nasa temporarily loses self-appointment with orion spacecraft

Nasa temporarily loses self-appointment with orion spacecraft BuyLinkShop: Despatch between nasa´s mission administer nucleus in houston and the artemis i moon mission spacecraft was lost for 47 minutes wednesday morning. a account aspect reconfiguration resolved it, according to nasa.

nov. 23 (BuyLinkShop) -- self-appointment between nasa's mission restrain kernel in houston and the artemis i moon mission spacecraft was lost for 47 minutes wednesday morning. it was resolved by a reconfiguration on the sway side, according to nasa.

nasa said in a blog statement that self-appointment was lost temporarily while reconfiguring the self-appointment link between the orion spacecraft and thick room network overnight.

"the reconfiguration has been conducted successfully separate times in the remotest uniform days, and the team is investigating the reason of the waste of signal," nasa said.

as nasa investigates what caused the self-appointment outage, engineers are examining postulates from the result to secure what happened. postulates recorded during the outage is too substance downloaded from the orion spacecraft.

nasa said there was no impression on orion and "the spacecraft remains in a wholesome shape."

the artemis i un-crewed moon mission was launched nov. 16. it's the pristine trial volitation of nasa's sls with orion and is purposed to provide the substratum for rational thick room seek.

as orion travels through space, images with recent views of earth, the moon and the orion spacecraft itself are substance taken.

orion is scheduled friday for a ticklish side of the mission -- an engine smoulder that succeed put the spacecraft in revolution environing the moon. if the mission goes as planned, orion succeed live in moon revolution for touching a week, precedently heading train toward earth dec. 1.

splashdown in the mild ocean off the california strand is scheduled for dec. 11.

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