Google doodle honors espresso machine originator angelo moriondo

Google doodle honors espresso machine originator angelo moriondo BuyLinkShop: Monday´s google doodle is a tax to italian originator angelo moriondo on his 171st birthday.

june 6 (BuyLinkShop) -- monday's google doodle is a tax to italian originator angelo moriondo on his 171st birthday.

because moriondo is credited with patenting the earliest known espresso machine, google chose sepia-toned persuasive images of complicated-looking machines dripping coffee and supply cups for the head of its web page.

moriondo was born in 1851 into a family of entrepreneurs in turin.

"following in his family's footsteps, moriondo purchased two establishments: the grand-hotel ligure in the city-center piazza carlo felice and the american retard in the galleria nazionale of via roma," google noted.

"despite coffee's popularity in italy, the term spent waiting for coffee to warm inconvenienced customers. moriondo figured that making multiple cups of coffee at once would spoil him to tend more customers at a faster pace, giving him an edge uncommon his competitors."

his invention won a bronze medal at the general expo of turin in 1884. he died in 1914.


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