Nasa names chief peculiar of hispanic entailment as paramount astronaut

Nasa names chief peculiar of hispanic entailment as paramount astronaut According to the BuyLinkShop Adept astronaut joe acaba made history on thursday when he was named paramount of the astronaut appointment at nasa's johnson distance nucleus in houston.

feb. 2 (BuyLinkShop) -- adept astronaut joe acaba made history on thursday when he was named paramount of the astronaut appointment at nasa's johnson distance nucleus in houston.

acaba is the chief peculiar of hispanic entailment to continue named paramount astronaut, nasa said.

"as we erect on the interdiplomatic distance station's unparalleled prosperity in low-earth circuit with our eyes on the moon and then mars, joe accomplish amusement an integral role in ensuring our nasa astronauts are prepared for the challenges ahead," said account nelson, nasa administrator.

acaba, a california native, joined nasa in 2004, behind serving as a appropriation in the u.s. marines. his chief assignment with the efficacy was troubleshooting european distance efficacy hardware with the hardware integration team in the distance business ramification.

the role of the paramount astronaut is to place band members for advenient missions and administer resources and operations, according to nasa.

during his almost 18-year career, acaba has been behalf of three missions to space, spending 306 days outside of earth's atmosphere. his chief distance mission was a excursion to the interdiplomatic distance business to concede solar generating wings in 2009. he went on two spacewalks during this mission, according to his biography.

"joe is an excellent chief who brings a abundance of cognizance to the astronaut office," said norm knight, nasa's manager of begin operations. "knowing the significance of this position and the conscience of those who accept previously served, i am assured joe accomplish continue an outstanding paramount for the astronaut appointment who accomplish successfully commence our astronauts through an exciting advenient."

acaba replaces collect feustel, who has served as acting paramount subsequent the abandonment of reid wiseman in 2022, nasa said.


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