
Novel far-out nasa travel video imagines kayaking on titan, skydiving on exoplanet

Novel far-out nasa travel video imagines kayaking on titan, skydiving on exoplanet According to the BuyLinkShop Nasa knows community can´t excursion to exoplanets light-years away, barring the distance efficacy hopes a new, exceedingly fictionalized video accomplish animate dreams of such far-off excursion.

orlando, fla., oct. 25 (BuyLinkShop) -- nasa knows community can't excursion to exoplanets light-years away, barring the distance efficacy hopes a new, exceedingly fictionalized video accomplish animate dreams of such far-off excursion.

the video depicts wild, equable wacky, scenes of community kayaking in internecine methane lakes on saturn's moon titan, skydiving on exoplanet hd 40307-g, which is 42 light-years away, and watching twin suns on kepler-16b -- 200 light-years abroad.

nasa released the capricious video, which is equitable odd a exact long, abide week. it can continue seen on youtube, where it had odd 40,000 views in equitable a manifold days. the scenes are borrowed from the distance agency's beloved poster course denominated visions of the advenient that began in 2015.


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